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SEO Glossary

If you are new to SEO, then you are sure to have questions about what some of the jargon means. Here you will find a list of the most common terms you are likely to encounter. Do you want to optimize your website but have trouble communicating with the technical folks running it?

Mobile Index

Google – Separate Mobile Search Index

Google Separate Mobile Search Index – Google is still working on their mobile search index, something Google first confirmed last year, although we haven’t heard much about it for a year or so. The mobile index would be completely separate from the desktop index and would be for searches done on mobile only.

Responsive Website Design

Responsive Website Design

Responsive Web Design – Since its groundbreaking release in 2011, Responsive Web Design remains a fundamental resource for anyone working on the web. Day by day, the number of devices, platforms, and browsers that need to work with your site grows. Responsive web design represents a fundamental shift in how we’ll build websites for the decade to come.

SEO for Massage Website

SEO for Massage Website

SEO for Massage Website – We know the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and your new erotic massage therapy website. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of ensuring your business website contains your top keyword phrases so that your potential customers can find your massage website through the search engines.

Web Design Job Roles

Web Design Job Roles

Web Design Job Roles – Listed below are the various web design roles and responsibilities. Each job is as important as the next. To gain a better understanding of how web design works, let us look at it in a…

Speed Up Magento

Speed Up Magento

8th October 2015

Speed Up Magento – We learned from a lot of magento project for years, the magento speed is the key to make customers/users happy but it take us a lot of time to optimize too. So let‘s take it easy…

SEO in Magento

SEO in Magento – most popular search engine? Google, by a country mile at over two thirds Plus, Google’s database is currently used by lots of other search engines. To do well in Google, you simply follow three mantras: visibility,…

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