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Getting Search Engine Traffic – The beginning webmaster is often afflicted with several considerations; two of which are the most important by far. With all the other things to worry about when trying to get your website primed and ready, the two factors of content and optimization play the biggest roles in finding your audience (or, more accurately, putting you in front of an already existing audience that’s already searching for the keyword you’re optimizing for).
With the latest Google update (basically; these are corrections to Google’s search algorithm that are intended to make the web a better place for the advertisers that keep the tech uber-giant in business – which means downgrading or getting rid of spam and poor content on the internet), the content you have on your webpage is more important than ever. The old adage “Content is King” is coming back more forcefully, now that content farms have been hit by Panda.
It used to be in the past, that you could write perhaps a post or two before marketing your website or blog; now, it is clear that at least a small part of the very complex Google algorithm code gives credit to weblogs purely because of the extent of their content. Now you must essentially have a full site to reap the maximum benefit from that portion of code; then, off-site optimization should commence.
Off-site optimization can consist of any method by which you obtain “arrows” pointing back to your blog, which notifies the crawling search spiders of how highly-regarded it is in the internet community. Fact is; you will need to build a substantial number of these before their prevalence takes on a life of its own, and others start picking up your linked pages and spreading them – at which point your rankings will skyrocket more than you or even ten people working nonstop could have managed.
The most common ways to build these backlinks is to find blogs and websites in your niche, and leave insightful comments on them. You will need to do this a couple of thousand times in some cases; not nearly as much in others – it all depends on how competitive your keyword is. Another way is to employ article marketing, which means you summarize the contents of your blog post, and submit this summary to article directories, with keywords hyperlinked in the appropriate spots.
A lot of the article submission spots are highly-visible themselves, which entails that they receive plenty of human and search engine traffic. Successful submission will increase the visibility of your blog on the SERPs, as well as account for some real traffic from human visitors. The final way to get links after writing articles is to do something similar – guest post.
You approach owners of blogs with similar content to yours, and ask them if you can write a blog post for them, with your payment being the backlinks you get to attach in the resource box at the end of the article. In truth, this isn’t all that different from article marketing, except the articles must be of even higher quality to get published.
After blog commenting, article marketing and guest blogging, the number of free or relatively inexpensive search engine optimization for website promotion techniques start to quickly dwindle. Ad placement of high PageRank websites and domain authority can be costly, especially if you don’t have a product or service with a conversion rate that justifies the often monthly expenditure for a competitive spot. Unless the banner you purchase is highly-targeted, you will rarely get enough hits to make it worthwhile.
The other possible methods are generally expert link-building involving a lot more work; for example, widget-building and promotion, to get backlinks from all the people who find use for your code and place it on their websites. Facing the difficulty in instituting these methods, article marketing articles seems much more attractive, and a consistent program can yield even greater dividends at far lower cost.